Friday morning I woke up with a sore throat. Saturday morning I woke up with an achy body, and today I am just plain miserable! I hate being sick! What sucks even more, is that I get on a plane in a couple of days and I'll tell you, that pressure that you experience when taking off and reaching the right altitude, OUCH! When your sinuses are already killing you, that sends you down for the count!
I have gotten some medicine and I will be trying to get better asap! I would hate to be in CA and be miserable. I will be posting some videos up here soon during Elevate. I will be trying to record (Lord willing) every session so that you guys can check the myspace page and the youtube page for live stuff. It should be pretty awesome! Brad and the guys did awesome last year, so I am really looking forward to playing with them again.
Keep us in wife is REALLY sunburnt from laying out way too long she is dying!
Keep checking back for updates and videos!!
to live-
Your wife never would've got burned if you guys didn't leave New Jersey. No sun here lately.
Hope all is well with you.
Ha Ha, well she got burned there as well, believe it or not! Just before we moved back actually.
All is going well. Thanks!
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