Monday, August 11, 2008


Yesterday a friend of mine, Erik, talked about serving. It was a great little message on how we blink and a year goes by, or five years go by. So many Christians, and non-Christians I am sure, set out to "do good things" for the community around us. The sad fact is scarcely do we actually do anything.

Erik is the face behind "Dude, Share The Food!" He read an excerpt from a book he is currently reading that went a little like this- 

(This is a paraphrase!)
"Today, we got a shipment in from a local church who will remain nameless. On the top of the box it said, 'for the homeless.' I was excited so I opened the box eagerly and the inside was full of microwave popcorn. We hardly have electricity, and sure do not have a microwave. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. Within a few days we got another shipment in from the Mafia. They sent some bikes for the little girls, a turkey for each family, and donated thousands of dollars to the organization. I guess God can use the Mafia, but I really wish He would use the church..."

This man lives on the street if you didn't catch that. He and some other homeless have obtained a warehouse to live in, and he is there to minister to them as much as possible. It is so sad that the church has better things to do then to spend time with those who are less fortunate than they are. I know I am guilty of that and I was totally convicted yesterday. 

We are just TOO busy these days. At least we like to think we are. "I can't, I just have so much to do." Read or Re-read Matthew 25:31-35...


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