Friday, October 3, 2008


There is something to say about someone who can speak honestly and not worry about the consequences, but there is something else to say of certain individuals who like to leave comments and not say who they are. It really drives me insane when someone (and I really think it's the same person every time) leaves a comment under "anonymous" and throws out all these bold statements, but doesn't have enough gumption to leave their name. 

In all honesty, if you are offended by something I said, and do not have the courage to tell me, please stop reading my blog. Sometimes I will use words that maybe you do not like, but that is just who I am, it is never meant to offend anyone.

The only reason that certain individuals are allowed to leaved anonymous comments is so that you do not have to login to blogger or gmail to leave a comment, but you can still say who you are.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I completely know what you mean. I hope this person doesn't read my comment because they will be severely offended. I hate it when people don't have the balls to say something face to face or at least take responsibility for what they say. I own up to everything I do and say. If I say somethin you'll know it's me. If i've f'ed up I'll man up and claim what I did. If you think somethings worth sayin then take pride in what you've said. And it sounds to me like this person who's leaving these comments is judging pretty hardcore. It's not up to that person to say whether or not what you said is bad. That's between you and God. Judge not, lest ye be judged. Keep sayin what you feel, that's why God gave us emotions. We're all human, we all make mistakes. Don't judge people. Jesus loves everyone in spite of what they do. Keep up the good work my brother. Velocity is goin great and we're gonna do even better after a while. I love playin with ya man and I'm glad you and Courtney are back. I love the both of ya.

Anonymous said...

You're right Chase!
We are to represent Christ; ALL of us. Not just those who are in leadership positions, but every person who calls themselves followers of Christ. We are all leaders in one sense or another; Ambassadors for Christ.
The bible tells us that if we have an issue with a brother or sister in Christ we are to go to them, one on one, and let them know and resolve the issue. We are not to go and broadcast it to the world and cause others to "stumble" and question a person's integrity or heart.
I personally don't like the word "freakin" either, but I know Chase and I know his heart and his love for the Lord and that is just who he is at times.
Like anonymous said, we ALL, not just leaders, need to be better than the world to show God's love and Christ's light.
Anyone who reads this blog knows where Chase works and can easily find his phone number. Call him, talk with him, sit down with him and share your heart. He only wants to live for the Lord and do His will. Let's all help one another in living for the Lord by living by His Word.
With love and hope -

Anonymous said...

No problem with either of the other comments.

Chase, nice job of evading the issue. "Freaking"


Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, to the first comment. I love how you say to take pride in what you say. So you take pride in using the word "balls" on a christian blog for all the world (three people) to see. I'm proud of you.

Bill again.

Anonymous said...

Chase & Courtney:

If you guys were not reaching people for Christ and making an impact, you would not have any "Bill" in your life. So cherish "the Bill" and know that with "Bill" in your life you are doing something right and making a difference. Armies do not attack when they are not threatnend by another group. Right now Satan is our enemey and he is threatnend by you and your wife's desire to seek the lost. So CHERISH "the BILL" in your life and thank him. For without "Bill" you may become to lax and Satan may actually move in on you.

Believe me their is always "Bill" in my life!



Anonymous said...

haha! that's great! yay for the "Bill's!!" :)