Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is there something more??

I have often wondered at times in my short lived life if there is something more than this. I used to wish I lived somewhere else, wish that I was famous, or wish things were different. I wonder now if there are teens or young adults around me that are thinking the same things...

I am happily married now, never want to live anywhere but Georgia again (did that, it's not as cool as I thought), and I am doing what I love. But sometimes I still feel like there is something more; maybe because there is.

This dude named Jesus came to earth as a man and he died a brutal death so that I would be able to live forever (no, not like on the earth, but in heaven with God our creator). It's kinda like when you were little and playing a game with your friends, let's say football. You know when you pass the ball and it would go over the dudes head and you would yell, "do over!" Well, that's kinda what it's like when we begin a relationship with Jesus; we get a "do over."

Or let's think of it in financial terms, since that's where everyone's head is lately. Let's say that you have $500,000 in credit card debt (yes, it's possible!) and you have no clue how that's going to get paid down. Then, all of a sudden, someone comes to you door and writes you an anonymous check for 500 grand! Boom, all your debt is gone, they paid it. Well, that's what Jesus did. The Bible says that NO ONE SEEKS AFTER GOD, and that NO ONE IS PERFECT AND NO ONE DESERVES THIS GRACE, but Christ freely gives it anyway. Isn't that AMAZING!?!

So if you are ever sitting at home, school, or work and wondering, "isn't there something more to this?" The answer is YES, Jesus! That may sound lame, but I promise you, if you let Jesus take over your life, it's amazing the things He can do through you- then it doesn't seem like there is something more, because you are experiencing the fullness of God.

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