Monday, January 26, 2009


This is something that I have been hearing about and it makes me cringe!

"Vatican condemns Obama abortion policy

Published: Sunday 25 January 2009 10:02 UTC 
Last updated: Sunday 25 January 2009 17:22 UTC
The Roman Catholic Church has condemned US President Barack Obama's decision to restore US funding for family planning clinics abroad that give advice on or carry out abortions. Mr Obama's predecessor, George W Bush, rescinded the subsidies for these clinics.

Representatives for the Vatican said it was disappointing that reinstating these subsidies was one of the first policy decisions of the new president. The move was described as a harsh blow to those who are fighting against "the slaughter of the innocents". 

Christian groups in the US have also condemned the president's decision, fearing that it will lead to a more liberal abortion policy in the US itself."

I could not agree more...

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